Itchy Feet

June 30, 2012 § Leave a comment

So I’ve been firmly back in the UK for just over a week, and I’m already suffering terribly with the knowledge that I can’t afford to leave the country again this year. At all. An intensely depressing thought.

Although for once it’s not as though I don’t have any other fun stuff planned. Starting on the 25th July, with WOMAD, I’m volunteering with OXFAM as a steward at several festivals throughout the UK (WOMAD, Boomtown Fair, Bestival). I have tickets to a couple of other festivals (V Festival, Creamfields), leading to me being away from home for most of the rest of the summer. It’s the long month until that point that’s driving me mad.

My friends have now either got full time jobs (that was me, until last year) or their own trips abroad (that was me, last year) – one to Peru, one to visit family in America… leaving me alone and poor and watching Angel endlessly.

I shouldn’t have left Zante so early. That was fantastic, exactly what I always want to do with my time. If only it were a cheaper thing to do. Spend weeks on end lying around in the sun all day and partying at night, meeting loads of new people and doing new things. Last year, in Malia, I attempted the whole “working summer” thing, but for many, many reasons it just didn’t end well. So I went back a couple of months later for another big holiday. Great. Expensive.

Once the Summer’s over, it’ll all be great again because I can go back to university and move into the new flat and feel like I’m getting on with my life again. I’ll have the continual presence of flatmates and uni work to keep me occupied.

So the solution to my endless boredom problem has been decided. I’m going to get out more. Do some more fun stuff, but on the cheap. My student loan won’t last forever. And when I’m not doing something new and fun and exciting, I’m going to write about the fun and exciting stuff I’ve already done. So I can just come back to this, a record of everything, and feel less bored for a while. It sounds like a plan.



Stewarding with Oxfam:
Boomtown Fair:
V Festival:

Where Am I?

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